The Presentation of Artists in Everyday Life was shown in a two-part group exhibition in January 2014. Act I consists of photographic portraits of ten people, five of which are artists/curators in the exhibition. The other five participants are Los Angeles based artists whom the five artists/curators do not know personally. In Act I, the participants control the look and framing of their portrait. In Act II, the video installation documents each of the five artists/curators meeting for the first time. In the installation the sound is not true, you can only hear the words of the person on the left when you listen to the headphones on the left and vice versa with sound from the person on the right.

Are Friends Electric? was curated by Manual History Machines dispersed between two locations as Act I and Act II. Act I presented as a Curators Lab Exhibition at Fellows of Contemporary Art (FOCA) in Chinatown, Los Angeles from January 18 - March 21, 2014.  Act II took place in the Peggy Phelps Gallery and East Gallery at Claremont Graduate University from January 21 - February 6th, 2014. Both exhibitions feature works by Sarah Awad, Daniela Campins, Clifford Eberly, Jay Erker, Helen Rebekah Garber, Rema Ghuloum, Rochele Gomez, Raymie Iadevaia, Bessie Kunath, Nancy Lupo, Danielle McCullough, Stephanie Washburn, and Tessie Whitmore.

A catalog of the exhibition was produced featuring an essay by David Pagel.


Click here to view images from Act I
Click here to view image from Act II




Presentation of Artists in Everday Life